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The Importance Of Getting A Physical Exam Near Me

A physical exam near me ensures that you remain healthy. A physical exam can also serve as a preventive measure. It enables you to catch up on vaccinations or detect serious conditions such as cancer or diabetes before they cause problems. Your doctor can also check vitals such as weight, heart rate, and blood pressure during a routine physical.

  • What Is The Purpose Of A Physical Exam?:

A physical examination will be performed by your doctor to assess how your body is functioning. Your doctor may choose to focus on specific areas based on your personal health history. If you have a family history of heart disease, you may be subjected to additional blood pressure checks, blood tests, diabetes and cholesterol screenings, and so on. The exam is also an opportunity to discuss future prevention measures with your doctor based on test results, age, and personal health history.

  • What Exactly Is A Physical Exam?:

A typical physical exam near me may include the following:-

1> Health history update:- Your doctor may request an update on new developments and changes in your health history. Questions about your job and relationships, medications, allergies, supplements, and any recent surgeries may be included.

2> Vital sign checks:- This includes taking your blood pressure and monitoring your heart rate and respiratory rate. Blood pressure should be checked at least once a year to once every three years, depending on your history. Medicare wellness visit is a free benefit that promotes health and prevents illness. During your appointment, you and your provider like Houston Family Practice will develop a personalized prevention plan to help you avoid injury, illness, and disease.

3> Visual examination:- Your doctor will examine your appearance to look for signs of any potential conditions. They will examine the parts of your body that may visually indicate any existing health problems. This includes investigating the following:-

  • Head.

  • Eyes.

  • Chest.

  • Abdomen.

  • Musculoskeletal system, such as your hands and wrists.

  • Nervous system functions, such as speech and walking.

4> Physical exams:- The doctor will use tools to examine your eyes, ears, nose, and throat as the physical exam progresses. They will examine your heart and lungs. This examination also includes:-

  • Touching or "palpating" parts of your body (for example, your abdomen) to detect abnormalities.

  • Examining your skin, hair, and nails, as well as your genitalia and rectum, and testing your motor functions and reflexes.

5> Laboratory tests:- Your doctor may draw blood for several laboratory tests to complete the physical. A complete blood count and a complete metabolic panel are examples of such tests (also called a chemistry panel). Family medicine in Houston is a medical specialty that provides general healthcare to people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. The panel examines your blood plasma and can detect any problems with your kidneys, liver, blood chemistry, or immune system. This aids in the detection of irregularities in your body that may indicate a larger problem. They may also request a lipid panel if you have a high risk of heart attack, heart disease, or stroke (cholesterol test).

  • Outlook :

Your doctor may request a follow-up visit to discuss test results or any exam findings. The physical exam near me provides an opportunity for an open discussion about your health, habits, and future plans. You'll be able to address signs of potential problems with a plan with the assistance of your doctor. Routine physicals, especially as you get older, can help you avoid many health problems. They can also assist you in preparing for any issues that you may be predisposed to due to aging, family history, or lifestyle. Communicating with the best doctor of Houston Family Practice at each physical exam can help you learn more about your body and what you need to do to stay healthy.


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